Tuesday, 29 March 2016

payment of salary to the employees & pension

                      ALL   INDIA  POSTAL  EMPLOYEES   UNION  GROUP  ‘ C’,
                                         TEYNAMPET,  CHENNAI 600 018

 P. MOHAN                                            J. RAMAMURTHY                          A. VEERAMANI
PRESIDENT                                        CIRCLE  SECRETARY                  FIN. SECRETARY

No. P3/2-Genl/TN                                                                   dt.28.03.2016

Dr. Charles Lobo, IPoS.,
The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai 600 002.

Respected Sir,
              Sub: Request for payment of salary to the employees & pension on 1.4.2016 – Reg.
               Ref :1. Dte. lr No. 2-1/2007-08/PA-(TECH I) D 813-897 dt. 11.12.2014.
                    2. Controller General of Accounts Manual Part III Section II Rule 64.
                    3.  This Union’s letter of even no. dt. 29.3.2015. 
The kind attention of CPMG, TN  is requested to the references cited, wherein  during last year,  it has been instructed to all the sub ordinate offices that , no CBS offices will do  any transactions on 1.4.2015 and Salaries/pension should be credited on 4.4.2015 only in SB Accounts. This because, the yearend EOD process cldn’t be completed, when there is about 10,000 offices migrated. Now the migration figure crosses 21,000 offices, besides there is snail phase access in Finacle throughout the country for the past 20 days. Hence crediting the salary and pension is not possible on 1st April, 2016.

It is to note that, as per the Statutory rules of the Dept. and as per the reference (2) cited, pay and allowances are earned and shall be due for payment on the last working day of the month to which they  relate and the  pay and allowances  for the month of March shall be paid on the first working day of  April.

Further, as per the orders of Dte.  cited  under reference (1) , all Govt. servants of Department of Posts are permitted to receive their salary by direct credit to their Bank accounts or in cash or by cheque at their ‘option’.

Hence, it is requested that necessary action may kindly be  taken so as to issue suitable orders to the  pay drawing and disbursing authorities, for making payment of the  pay and allowances of the  working staff by cash through Roll payment  on 1.4.2016 itself and pension manually, instead of crediting the same into their  PO SB  on any subsequent date. When we have raised the matter during last year, this was ordered by the then CPMG, TN ,  Karnataka and Andhra Circles. This is for your kind information and speedy action.

With profound regards,


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