Thursday, 17 March 2016

Letter addressed by TN NFPE COC to CPMG,TN

Letter addressed by TN NFPE COC to CPMG,TN on Statewide agitation programme pressing for settlement of demands


No. NFPE COC/3                                                                                                             dt. 16.3.2016

Dr. Charles Lobo, IPoS.,
Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle,
Chennai  600 002.

Respected Sir,

                        Sub: Statewide agitation programme pressing for settlement of demands – Reg.

            As per the decision taken and announced during the  GDS convention  held at Trichy on 28.2.2016, as a first step , TN NFPE Co-ordination Committee, comprising all the Constituent Unions under NFPE,  has decided to  conduct a Statewide demonstration on 17.3.2016 at all HPOs/D.O.s/Units, pressing for the  under mentioned 12 point charter demands for immediate settlement.

            These demands are,  either pending for  long  or already discussed in various periodical meetings  like  four monthly meetings, RJCM meetings and assured for settlement already, but no action seems to be taken till date.  Moreover, in the name of business development, the staff are harassed, fixing targets by many Sub Ordinate authorities in an unmindful manner, without applying any logic or scientific approach, which produce artificial business or opening of accounts in a coercive manner, affecting the real growth of the Department.

            In respect of CBS, there is no network connectivity in many interior areas/ ‘C’  & ‘B’ Class offices either because of  low bandwidth problem or because of the yesterday’s DC closure in Finacle, affecting the normal transactions very badly.

            Similar is the case of Mc Camish which is not working on many days and facing slowness for the  past one month,  though reported from various user ends, no action taken by the Infosys till date, whereas, the subordinate authorities, without observing the reality, gearing up with drives and procurement of RPLI collections, which could not be accounted immediately. Because of this, public are quarrelling with the staff at the Counters, causing much damage to the image of the Department. This fact is not bringing to the notice of the CPMG, TN by the lower authorities.

            Likewise, in  RMS ‘T’ Division, the JCA comprising of all the Unions under NFPE & FNPO have already submitted a memorandum of demands with the PMG, CR and  conducted first phase programme of action on 15.3.2016. But no action seems to be taken for settlement of their problems.

            Hence, having no other go, in order to bring to the immediate attention and notice of the CPMG, TN we have decided to go ahead with the trade union programme of action in a phased manner.  We request an immediate meeting with the CPMG, TN for discussions and settlement of these issues, otherwise, we have to go for second phase of trade union programme of action by fourth week  of this month.

            We expect the kind immediate personal intervention of the CPMG, TN in this regard. A line in reply is much awaited.

1.     Request to stop the ‘Torture’ unleashed against the employees including GDS in the name of targets.

2.     Request to take Disciplinary action against the ground level officers, who are pressing the employees to open Rs.10/- denomination RD accounts in Large on a Single Depositor in order to attain fake target,  violating the Ministry of Finance orders, thereby cheating the Department/Fin. Ministry. The information of such accounts/Divisions/ offices can very well be obtained from CPC.

3.     Request to raise the Bandwidth at all ‘C’ and ‘B’ Class offices immediately, as per the orders of the Department.

4.     Request to take action against the ‘Infosys’ for the continued ‘slowness’ in Finacle’,  instead of fixing responsibility on the ground level officials on public complaints.

5.     Request to  take action against ‘Infosys’ for the continued ‘Slowness’ in ‘Mc Camish’ for the past one month, since nothing can be moved in the RPLI/PLI drive period, resulting in huge loss to the Dept.

6.     Request to implement the order of the Dte. on “business hours’ at all offices immediately.

7.     Request to stop redeployment of any Postman post, without applying scientific assessment of the work load like congested area and multistoried buildings etc. Request not to combine the beats, affecting the Delivery performance in the changed scenario.

8.     Request to provide substitutes in Postman and MTS clear vacant posts/leave vacancies without imposing any restrictions.

9.     Request to take immediate action on the memorandum submitted by RMS employees unions of Central Region.  Request to initiate discussions with the staff unions and settle the issues. Don’t victimize the employees, who are on struggle for settlement of their genuine demands.

10.   Request to assess all the vacancies as per the Directorate orders and take immediate action to fill up all the vacant posts. Request to form assessment committee immediately and include the staff side representatives in the Committee to avoid any irregular assessment of vacancies, as was done by the authorities for the past several years.

11.   Request to consult the representatives of the staff unions before making any changes in RMS operations/Units.

12.   Request to grant financial assistance from Welfare fund to the applied and affected GDS during the December 2015 flood, without any further delay. Request to grant flood advance to the RMS units in Chengalpattu/Cuddalore and in Tirunelveli/Kanniyakumari Divisions in Postal without any further delay..

                                                                        With regards,

 sd/-                                                                                                                                   sd/-
(B. PARANTHAMAN)                                                                   (G. KANNAN)
PRESIDENT COC &                                                               CONVENER  COC &
CIRCLE SEC.,R4, NFPE.                                                       CIRCLE SEC.,P4 NFPE.

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